Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day One

Well I've decided that this should be the year that I get realistic about the choices in my life.  I keep complaining about the way I look and feel, yet continue to do nothing about it.  I think the problem is that I set too large of a goal in the beginning.  This year I am going to take one day at a time and focus on real, attainable, and meaningful goals.  I hope to begin piggy-backing at some point, but for right now I'm just setting out to do one thing each day that makes me proud of the choice I've made.

For today, that was a conscious decision to avoid soda.  Now for anyone that knows me, this is a big deal and not the first time I've attempted it.  Once I went 3 months with only water.  Got a little bland after while!  I had one cup of coffee, but with the amount of sugar I have to add to make it drinkable, well let's just say that is another choice I have to evaluate.  But other than that, it was strictly water.  I felt happy with my decision, but I've had a headache since 2:00!  Nick says it's the caffeine and sugar withdrawl, but GOD does it hurt!  It's gotta be like nicotine or something and hopefully it will get better with time.  I don't plan on giving up soda forever...but I am hoping to be more responsible with it.

On track for tomorrow, not sure yet.  Thinking of no fast food, but that's a better goal for a day when I know I'll want it...althoug I did pass it up today and ate a turkey sandwich instead.  Hey...maybe I made two better choices today!

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